SOLD OUT - Taking expressions of interest for another event


SOLD OUT - Taking expressions of interest for another event 〰️

NEW CLASS ! - Mat Pilates with Amanda Thursdays 5pm - 6pm

Mat Pilates group classes give you a general all over workout, suitable for all levels. This class is taught at a slower pace, covering the foundation skills of pilates breath work, posture, alignment and core control with the assistance of resistance bands and mini balls. This 60 minute class will also include a foam rollout and release component, designed to assist with myofascial release. With regular mat classes you'll be moving through your day with ease and confidence.

New Class Offering !

Flow 2 Slow

A meditative way of moving to help you find some space internally as well as externally, between your poses.

Move with your breath in this Hybrid style class with a combination of Vinyasa flow and hatha with fewer transitions than vinyasa and more flow than hatha. Intrigued? Come try it on for size! Your body and mind might just love it!

New Yoga class uploaded into online library

Limited Memberships Available $40 weekly - Unlimited Regular Timetable Classes

2025 Yoga Yeacher Training dates have dropped

Here is what a few of our 200 hour YTT students have to say about our training


Taking care of your mind, body and soul.

With an emphasis on breathing techniques, mindfulness and meditation, we promote awareness and reflective yoga to promote both physical and mental well-being.

Learn more about our studio and our offerings.

Besides our regular schedule and training, we also hold regular events and workshops